The Slate Pacific

we’re going to canada

new brunswick’s in the rear view, a distant memory; the landscape of central canada is spread out before us… sunday marks the start of our first ever tour outside of atlantic canada. we’re excited and nervous and anxious and ecstatic and earnest and realistic and more than anything else ready. so come help us celebrate…

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The Chronicles of The Slate Pacific

since we last met our heroes, they have traversed the country on white horses made of rock and roll, faced the mythical tomcat combat, were brutalized by bloodsport across three provinces, got smothered in hugs, and spent the intervening time brushing up on their latin. but the time has come for our lionhearted adventurers to…

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The Slate Pacific EP Release March 17th

This five song EP marks a transition point for the band, as it captures their wide-eyed origins while developing them into a more refined vision. Starting with the longing tones of “Thirteen Kinds of Chemicals,” the EP delivers five songs that showcase an accomplished combination of songwriting depth and instrumental pacing. Rooted in a sparse…

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