“…midwives want women running the show… they let the woman’s choices be at the forefront of her experience.”

Birthing an Ancient Practice: A Place for Midwifery in Nova Scotia
by Gianna Lauren


On Thursday December 16, CKDU 88.1FM in Halifax will feature the premiere of an exclusive audio investigation entitled Birthing an Ancient Practice: A Place for Midwifery in Nova Scotia. The documentary explores the topic of Midwifery in Nova Scotia by showcasing voices of women and men who have encountered the occupation in various degrees.

The focus of the piece opens with a historical evaluation of midwifery’s integration into the provincial health system and how regulation influenced the practice. The narrative explores the practice of midwifery and the specific model of care and approach to labour and birth shaped by working midwives in the province. We hear from individuals involved in the process behind introducing midwifery as a regulated health profession, and on the other end of the spectrum, voices from consumers of midwifery that present a wide range of feedback on the current format of care in Nova Scotia.

Midwifery is a customary practice that pre-dates hospitals and medical schools and health administrations, yet each Canadian province measures midwifery care in various scales of value and some provincial health departments fail to recognize it at all. Nova Scotia has achieved regulation but the model is still growing to establish a format that works for both consumers and the health department. Women’s access to choice is at the forefront of this audio piece, this snapshot of time, capturing the experiences of midwifery in Nova Scotia and objectives for the future of the practice.

Birthing an Ancient Practice: A Place for Midwifery in Nova Scotia was produced by Gianna Lauren, supported by CKDU FM and funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada.

Please tune in! If you are unable to catch the premiere, visit the documentary website.

Birthing an Ancient Practice: A Place for Midwifery in Nova Scotia
Thursday December 16
14:00 – 15:30
Tune into 88.1FM in Halifax
Stream at www.ckdu.ca

*second premiere is scheduled for Monday December 20 at 11:00am.


The documentary is also available on audio disc in charming packaging created by Halifax-based designer, Krista Davis. Thank you, Krista!

And thank you listeners for your continuous support! Do not hesitate to contact me for media inquiries or more information about the project.

Gianna Lauren

Midwifery in Nova Scotia: a special audio documentary